What is “Vauxhall Partners”?
This week we wanted to make you aware of something which may be beneficial to many of you: Vauxhall Partners.
Vauxhall Partners is an exclusive benefit club operated directly by Vauxhall for its employees as well as members of eligible organisations. If you qualify you may be able to get some even greater deals on Perrys Vauxhall cars and vans, so it’s worth checking whether you meet the criteria!
Who is eligible?
You can qualify to Vauxhall Partners if you:
Work for Vauxhall or a Vauxhall Retailer (like Perrys), or receive a Vauxhall pension
Work for or are a member of an associate company
Serve in HM forces (based in the UK) or receive a military pension
Are an approved driving instructor
Work in the following sectors:
Education (university, college, or school workers qualify)
Health and Emergency (this include NHS workers, police, fire, rescue, ambulance, prison officer and many more)
Housing and Councils
Civil Service (government workers qualify)
Transport, Communications and Utilities (this includes gas, electricity, water, communications and logistic workers)
You can also share your discount with your extended family and friends!

How much discount can I get?
The amount of discount depends will depend on the sector you are in and the car you are looking to purchase. To find out more about Partners benefits and discounts, please contact your local Perrys dealership here.
How do I retrieve my discount?
To claim your discount, you will first need to register on Vauxhall Partners website here by filling in your details and providing proof of eligibility such as:
Payslip (dated within the last six months)
Work ID badge
Employee Number Photo
Official letter from your employer (on headed paper)
Front page of your work contract, showing the company’s name and the employee’s name
Membership card
(**NOTE: Proof of eligibility will depend on the company you work for and is subject to changes from time to time, so this list should not be taken as a fully comprehensive one).
Once your details have been verified, you’ll be able to login onto Vauxhall Partners portal and request your exclusive discount code which will be sent to you via e-mail. You can then take this exclusive code to your nearest Perrys Vauxhall and benefit from even greater savings on your new Vauxhall car or van.
As we mentioned above, you are free to share your exclusive benefits of Vauxhall Partners with friends and family, just nominate them for the discount onto the Partners portal and you will all have the chance to benefit from great savings on a Vauxhall car or van. Your discount is valid for up to three vehicles in any 12-month period, so make sure to sign up today and start saving.
For full details please see the full terms and conditions click here.
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